Colwell Baptist Church

Charity No. 1202973

Colwell Baptist Chapel

We are a Bible-based, family-friendly church in the village of Freshwater on the Isle of Wight. We are a lively and growing congregation, made up of people from different ages and stages of life. We hold TWO services every Sunday morning, back-to-back. The EARLY service begins at 9.30am, and is followed by refreshments in the church hall. The LATER service begins with refreshments in the church hall at 10.30am (followed by a service in the church at 11.15am). During this later, second service, we also run groups for children and young people. If you would like to come and visit us one Sunday morning, then we would be really pleased to see you. Our ambition is to be a friendly, caring church that welcomes everyone and invites them to follow Jesus.

Click here to find a list of recent news updates from our minister, Dave Burton.